Man kan ju inte helt låta bli att tänka på jordbävningar. Inte jordbävningen på Haiti, utan den i Christchurch. I-landsvarianten.
En bit därifrån finns Shirley (den minnesgode kanske minns att jag fick emu-fjädrar). Hon samlar på vävstolar. Och har visat upp sin samling i tv. Fast ärligt talat, är det inte en ganska stor samling av garn också? (nä, jag är inte det minsta avundsjuk)
Så har HandEye Magazine en artikel om TAFA-list.
Snart behöver jag mera garn!
It was such a surprise, particularly since we have been expecting a bit one in Wellington for some time. I understand there was a hither-to undiscovered fault line, and we can expect more shakes in the next 50 years nearer to our Alps!
Considering the magnitude, however, even though structures and infrastructures suffered damages, nobody has died of it and there is none of the digging the rubbles with bear hands or borrowing the Swiss rescue dogs necessary, and in terms of immediate danger to people, we have had a very lucky escape.
Desiree, you and my parents were the first to alert me to the earthquake. Thanks.
I know that none was killed. But I’m thinking about getting your house demolished. Kind of enough!
And Mother Nature, of you never know about her. The Islandic people kind of waited too!
I was on my way to bed, when my husband shouted from downstairs. He was watching the news. And I went to the computer…